Texas Investment Network

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"This is the best money I've spent so far trying to attract qualified investors. I've attended several VC and Angel Investor events over the past year to attract investors and this site has attracted the most relevant and qualified investors so far. Thanks! ~ James Fitzgerald - ChainStar USA"
James Fitzgerald - ChainStar USA

Startup Company Seek Partner or Investment
A startup company with a patented versatile technology is looking for partners or investors to commercialize this technology. This technology can be applied to power plant, refinery, chemical manufacturing, hydro metallurgy, water treatment, etc.
  Required Amount $500,000
  Minimum Investment $20,000
  Region South Texas
  Industry 1 Energy & Mining
  Industry 2 Greentech, Environmental & Eco
  Stage Pre-Startup/R&D
  Investor Role Hands-On
  Amount Invested $150,000
  Investment Reason Research & Development

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